Not Able to use Proxy in Selenium

I am not Able to use Proxy In my config that is A Selenium Bot…

I have tried
Socks 4,5

And they are giving same error like
Checking proxy or
Site didn’t send data

I have only used checked proxy

Help @Ruri

BTW is Tagging Admin is Illegal here???

Which Version are you using? Ob 1 or 2? If you are using Ob1 its not supported anymore. I Appreciate moving to Ob2 and

I dont think it is…

I am using OB1…

Can I use OB 1 Config in OB 2???

Nope, Unfortunately, you cant…

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Well, I’ve seen some people with coding knowledge have successfully converted ‘SOME’ OB1 configs to OB2 but currently as far as my knowledge the answer would be: No. OpenBullet uses .loli and .anon file extensions, but with OB2 it’s strictly .opk files currently if I’m not mistaken.

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You are right, we cant use the same file but we can just remake the entire config file

Should I start to use OB2…

Please tell me some pros
And what features it have that OB1 don’t

OB1 vs OB2 - Guides / General - OpenBullet

What is Web And Native?

In SImple words Web-version uses localhost:5000 and a native version is a software just like Ob1

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Which is better in use

I got what native is

Does web is also an exe and can be used in making SELENIUM/non Selenium Bot?

I personally like the web version, you can use whichever you want. See Your Messages I have sent a link of a tuto on how to use Ob2

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@JakeJi @JustDaixD

@Ruri your hardworking and Awesome

IS that Already implemented or is it going to be?

Read the post and you will find out :sweat_smile:

“Going to Be”

I Guess

I see, Thanks dude… :grin: :grin:

@Ruri when OpenBullet For SmartPhone coming???