I’m having a problem with an .opk file, it has a loli code in it in which the variables for username and password are input.USERNAME and input.PASSWORD.
No matter how many time i change Credential slices in Environment.ini, I tried every combinations including the default USERNAME,PASSWORD and I also fed Openbullet with different wordlists (all of them working on other .opk) but everytime I keep receiving the “This config does not support the provided Wordlist Type” error.
In the opk settings the config file accepts “Credentials” as wordlist type
Make sure to write it like this and choose the </> on the right.
“UrlEncodeDataAfterSlicing" has nothing to do with that just in case the api request is encoded like this example johndoe%40gmail.com if that apply to you then check it
I’ve already tried everything you’re showing me, the config file accepts credentials formatted as test:test, that’s exactly what I’m feeding into.
in the environment.ini I changed USERNAME,PASSWORD to <input.USERNAME>, <input.PASSWORD> and still doesn’t work.
In the login block of the config on OP2, instead of a simple <input.USERNAME> I see a very long string in which I can’t notice nothing even similar to the words “username” and “password”.
I think I’m missing something huge but I don’t know what