Websocket problem not connected


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@Ruri @Error maybe this two can help

Check your url, is it correct?

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yes 100% it’s correct and i’m sure i tried many times i see same error

It is a header issue, I’ve had the same with many sites. You need to mess with the headers and only have a few selected ones and make sure the host header is included.

Fact is that I don’t think the websocket connect block supports specifying custom headers right now, I’m not on PC right now so can’t check

it does

  url = "lol.com"
  customHeaders = {("header", "value")}

Oh damn, my memory is getting worse :sweat_smile: I didn’t remember adding that, you’re right!

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yes it’s support the headers i added them but it keep saying not connected

Is there any way to see on debugger request send to the websocket? In failing to understand why Im getting 404 but same request in postman do get 101.