UUID | GUID Generator : for Openbullet 1.0 LoliScript Code?

Hi everybody,
i’ve found here in here forum plugin ( *.dll) UUID Generator , but it won’t work in openbullet v1.0 ,i created this thread to EXPERT who can help me to:

1- Adapt this plugin: UUID.plugin for OB2 to adapt it to OB 1.0
2- Members here who know extension that’s work with Openbullet 1.0 and i can generate UUID : exemple 530ee084-834b-4326-892c-fdac3d23e761

i’ve try in LS ( Loliscript ) this code: but don’t give ANY result in debugger:

  input = "?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h-?h?h?h?h-?h?h?h-h?h?h-?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h"
  => VAR @UUID

?h : HEX Lowercase.

In Documentation Openbullet :

#region RandomString Properties
        private static readonly string _lowercase = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
        private static readonly string _uppercase = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
        private static readonly string _digits = "0123456789";
        private static readonly string _symbols = "\\!\"£$%&/()=?^'{}[]@#,;.:-_*+";
        private static readonly string _hex = _digits + "abcdef";
        private static readonly string _udChars = _uppercase + _digits;
        private static readonly string _ldChars = _lowercase + _digits;
        private static readonly string _upperlwr = _lowercase + _uppercase;
        private static readonly string _ludChars = _lowercase + _uppercase + _digits;
        private static readonly string _allChars = _lowercase + _uppercase + _digits + _symbols;

Thanks for every person here, wish will do his best to try to help me to FIX this issue.

Antonio 77.
B.RRandGenerator.zip (2.4 KB)

You are pasting OB2 code inside OB1, that’s why it doesn’t work! Use OB2 not OB1.

If you really want to keep using OB1… There is an equivalent block in OB1 you have to find that block in functions > random string and put the same sequence ?h?h… inside it, it will work just the same.

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Hi again Ruri ,
i applied this to Openbullet 1.1.0 and the result is: SUCCESS

<--- Executing Block FUNCTION --->
Executed function RandomString on input ?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h-?h?h?h?h-?h?h?h?h-h?h?h?h-?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h with outcome 7e2b9814-0286-ed1b-he3a-8278ef498f1d
Parsed variable | Name: UUID | Value: 7e2b9814-0286-ed1b-he3a-8278ef498f1d

Result: UUID is correctly generated using Openbullet 1.1.0

Thank you Ruri.