Hi everybody,
i’ve found here in here forum plugin ( *.dll) UUID Generator , but it won’t work in openbullet v1.0 ,i created this thread to EXPERT who can help me to:
1- Adapt this plugin: UUID.plugin for OB2 to adapt it to OB 1.0
2- Members here who know extension that’s work with Openbullet 1.0 and i can generate UUID : exemple 530ee084-834b-4326-892c-fdac3d23e761
i’ve try in LS ( Loliscript ) this code: but don’t give ANY result in debugger:
input = "?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h-?h?h?h?h-?h?h?h-h?h?h-?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h?h"
?h : HEX Lowercase.
In Documentation Openbullet :
#region RandomString Properties
private static readonly string _lowercase = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
private static readonly string _uppercase = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
private static readonly string _digits = "0123456789";
private static readonly string _symbols = "\\!\"£$%&/()=?^'{}[]@#,;.:-_*+";
private static readonly string _hex = _digits + "abcdef";
private static readonly string _udChars = _uppercase + _digits;
private static readonly string _ldChars = _lowercase + _digits;
private static readonly string _upperlwr = _lowercase + _uppercase;
private static readonly string _ludChars = _lowercase + _uppercase + _digits;
private static readonly string _allChars = _lowercase + _uppercase + _digits + _symbols;
Thanks for every person here, wish will do his best to try to help me to FIX this issue.
Antonio 77.
B.RRandGenerator.zip (2.4 KB)