The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception

I recently installed ob2 for web but I noticed an issue regarding ssl. At first I thought it was because of proxies so I turned them off and opened the config in debugger with proxies off and got the same thing.

That SSL error you see in the topic came from updater. exe which shows that it’s clearly not a config issue.

Turning verbose on I got this

ERROR: RuriLib.Proxies.Exceptions.ProxyException: Failed SSL connect
at RuriLib.Http.RLHttpClient.CreateConnection(HttpRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at RuriLib.Http.RLHttpClient.SendAsync(HttpRequest request, Int32 redirects, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at RuriLib.Functions.Http.RLHttpClientRequestHandler.HttpRequestStandard(BotData data, StandardHttpRequestOptions options)
at RuriLib.Legacy.Blocks.BlockRequest.Process(LSGlobals ls)
at RuriLib.Legacy.LS.LoliScript.TakeStep(LSGlobals ls)

[Executing block: POST_1] BlockProcessingException: RuriLib.Legacy.Exceptions.BlockProcessingException: Failed SSL connect
at RuriLib.Legacy.LS.LoliScript.TakeStep(LSGlobals ls)
at RuriLib.Models.Debugger.ConfigDebugger.Run()

Running on windows rdp 2019 server

Any help is appreciated!!