Hello @Ruri i and OB2 Familly, hope you’re doing well.
i need to edit something in Rurilib block ,Exactly in "/RuriLib/Blocks/Puppeteer/Browser/Methods.cs (LINE 34)" section , All i want is to add a checkbox, if it is true ,run the condition ,as th logic shown below
var args = data.ConfigSettings.BrowserSettings.CommandLineArgs;
##thiis is my code directly after line 34
string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"DATA\\directory.txt");
if (data.ConfigSettings.BrowserSettings.ReadExternalCmdArg)
args += " {text}";
P.M : So please check with me if all it will work fine
also in " /RuriLib/Models/Configs/Settings/BrowserSettings.cs" i added this
public bool ReadExternalCmdArg { get; set; } = true;
this is my blocks side
But i don’t know how to add the textbox in frontend like this
I’m so sorry guys , cuz i’m noob in c# , so simply should make Command Line arguments accept variable as in img below
So please help me to resolve this ,
Thank you to @Ruri , and to all who make OB2 Community Better
i hope one of you can compile the fixed version of Rurilib.dll form me