Proxies wont work in ob2

ive tried 2 different proxy providers both http and socks5 but it keeps showing up as “not working” when i test them in ob2 “proxy check”


ive now tried a third proxy providor, still wont work. ive been stuck on this issue since yesterday and i have no fkn idea why it wont work.

Facing same problem. Won’t work on jobs. Any provider. Nor sticky or rotative paid. But do work on debugger. Also free proxyscrape do work on jobs. @Ruri any idea? Linux web based 0.3.2

Guys I cannot debug this without having access to the proxies to see what’s going on.

can y help me i have the same proble @Ruri

same here when i check the proxy through another checker it shows valid but in OB2 it is just giving me not working @Ruri

it works in this version tho

I am using web version and I have noticed that if I start a job with proxies enabled i have to stop it and then disable, start the job, stop the job, enable proxies again, start the job a third time and they work. I can replicate it every time. Not sure if its related to this though.

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