Otp Authentication (2FA) Plugin

Hello, I made a Otp Plugin!

OB2 Version: 0.1.5
Author: @ep5tein
Description: A plugin for Otp Authentication (2FA)


  • Generate a new Otp key.
  • Calculate a 6 digit time based code (30s) based on the key you give.

Path: RuriLib>Blocks>Functions>Otp_Auth> Otp Code / Otp Key


Otp_Auth.zip (9.2 KB)


Let me try if it actually bypasses 2FA

1 Like

Yes Its mostly useful when we manage multiple bot account, on secure website who often asks sms or mail verification. I store cookies so i don’t have to reconnect them each time, but sometime it disconnect and it’s difficult to reconnect large numbers of them manually.
Activate the otp and store the key can be a good solution so he doesn’t ask anymore for verification.

Thanks for the update


I would like to use your plugin, does it work with OB2 1.21?
I have 2 things that are sent when requesting with 6 digits:
which I also find in cookies.
How to use the plugin with this?
I did some tests but without success.

Thank you in advance for your help, :smiley:

Plugins in this section only work with the new OB2, not OB 1.2.1

Hi Ruri,

I use OB2 0.1.21.
I forgot 0.
Sorry, :roll_eyes:

Yes then this should work just fine, I suggest you contact the original creator for more info since I did not make this myself ^^

OK i did it,
Thank you

Does anyone know how to use this plugin? ???

Plz can you plz enlighten me on how to use this otp authentication plugin?? I’m still learning @ep5tein


Does it still work? I couldn’t use it.