Is making api for ob2 still supported as in ob 1 ?
If its still supported then i walked step by step till i face this
i appericate any help to fix this if its still supported . im not sure if there’s other files for
new version of OB 2 instead of old ones that worked with OB 1 im just beginner asking for
if not then thread closed thanks in advance <3
Discord for discuss things if you want to help:-
Hello @luckpubg
It is not at all the same system and the ob1 api is not supported by ob2
Hello today I will show how to make your own (api) with Openbullet 2 using a debian VPS.
First step :
apt-get update
Install Dotnet 6:
sudo apt install wget
chmod +x
./ -c 6.0
you need to add the path this is for MY case
export PATH=$PATH:home/debian/.dotnet
Need to install git now :
sudo apt-get install git-all
Second step when your VPS is Ready:
Compiling your own build
Install git from Git - Downloads .
Thanks bro im checking it out <3
December 26, 2022, 3:19am
That guide has nothing to do with sharing configs apparently.
Anyways you should look into the “Sharing” tab of OB2 (web) and just click on the blue text to get an explanation on how it works by Bulletta ^^
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