Mixed Uper-Lower Case

My Question is Simple is there a way i can use Mixed Upper Lower case in Openbullet ?
i did not Find it in the Function… there is only Uppercase or Lower Case no Mix :frowning:

Here’s What im Dealing With i just want this Word (agx5fr ) to be like for example ( AgX5Fr)

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You could write your own C# function to do this. Just paste this at the start of your LoliCode.

string MixedCase(string str)
    var output = string.Empty;
    for (var i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
        if (i % 2 == 0)
            output += str[i].ToString().ToUpper();
            output += str[i].ToString().ToLower();

    return output;

And then you can call it wherever in the LoliCode like this

string myMixedString = MixedCase(myOriginalString);

where myOriginalString is the name of your original variable and myMixedString is the new variable that will be created ^^

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Hello Thank you For your Answer

im Using openbullet 1.4.4 ,Can i also do it there ? ( im noob )

I tried to Write the script you gave me (LS)
some explanations Will Really Help

Sorry OB1 is not supported anymore. Please switch to OB2.

ok i switch to OB2 before Getting to the first Question
How do i put the user email i tried also tried input.username nothing Works

use input.USERNAME
not lowercase

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Thank you For all your Answers Works <3

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