Iterate and Access Values from Wordlist as Input

I created a config that looks like the one below and now I want to iterate over a wordlist of email addresses. I believe that the way that I am supposed to create a “job” next with the wordlist but I am not hitting the target webapp at all.

Any ideas on what I need to do to iterate over a list of email addresses as a job (have those emails be a variable in my config)?


  url = ""
  loadedEvent = Networkidle2
  timeout = 60000

  identifier = "email"
  attributeName = "value"
  value = @EMAIL

  findBy = Class
  identifier = "signup-button"

Make a text file with all your emails (1 per line), then create a Multi Run Job and load that file as a wordlist, use the type Emails when loading it. Then inside your config you can use the variable input.EMAIL which is already created and filled for you. Each time a bot runs, it will get a new email from the wordlist and your config will use that one. Remember to not set too many bots when using puppeteer because it takes a lot of RAM.

Read this to get a better understanding

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That worked perfectly. Here are some screenshots for that in case the next person gets stuck.

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