Hello, I hope you are doing great I wanted to know how can we get the original response from an HttpRequest.
Using httprequest As HttpRequest = New HttpRequest
Dim request1 = httprequest.get("google.com").tostring()
Catch exception As HttpException
textbox1.text = exception.Message
End Try
The thing I want is the original response in textbox1. Like if the response code is 401 then it shows an exception message not the original message from the server.
Sorry I’m not very knowledgeable with xNet anymore, it’s used by OB1 but I switched away from it in OB2 so it’s been long since I last used it. Maybe ask the original developers directly or wait until someone more knowledgeable helps you here ^^’
Any particular reason why you’re not using the default HttpClient in System.Net?
I feel xNet or Extreme.net has a more straightforward interface and is easy to use. However, I haven’t tried HttpClient or System.net before, but I’ll try to take a look at it.
Any Idea when we see an HTTP library like Parallelization from you.
And here is one thing more that I want to ask maybe this piece of code looks familiar to you.
This is the piece of code from OB1 the only thing that I want to ask like if I use the invalid credentials in an HTTP request, OB shows response code as well as the message from the client side like
Unauthorized or Invalid email or password
But when I use the same piece of code it shows the response code but not the actual response from the server. Instead, I get errors on the client-side with 401.
Well, the one I’m talking about is the one made by Microsoft. You can find plenty of tutorials about it.
The library is already available as a nuget package, check the announcements section, there is also a discussion on this forum that goes pretty in depth
About the last thing, this is the code, I cannot help you more than this, as you can see there is the IgnoreProtocolErrors set to true as I was telling you, then I catch the exception and log ex.Message
I find Ruri HTTP and proxies in the announcement, but I’m unable to find an in-depth discussion on these two packages. Can you guide me to the correct section to search these discussions?
There is an in-depth discussion about RuriLib.Parallelization, not about the other two. But there are examples on github, and I can always help on the forum.