How to capture script output string


How can i capture the output of nodejs script? it shows as json but its a string and there is total 2 output i want to add capture for both separately

first date time is expiry and second date time is start date
{"result":["1/1/1970, 5:30:00 am","10/8/2020, 3:39:18 pm"]}


my script:

const data = JSON.parse(fullJson);

const targetProduct = "company  name";

let expireTime = null;
let createTime = null;

for (const item of {
    if (item.product_name === targetProduct) {
        expireTime = item.expire_time;
        createTime = item.create_time; 

function convertUnixToDate(unixTime) {
    if (unixTime !== null) {
        const date = new Date(unixTime * 1000);
        return date.toLocaleString(); 
    return "Not Found";

const result = [

If you need to get the output for both dates, get like this result[0] , result [1] it’s as array object type

Do i need to modify this(result[0] , result [1] ) with my script or i have to put in somewhere else?