I trying to make google dork searcher config + environment.ini file . I always stuck the lack of ob config making knowledge . Plz tell me how I make google dork searcher +environment dll and ini fiel .
September 27, 2021, 5:21am
Use a already available ones no need to make in OpenBullet 2.
Have a look at this and maybe you can get an idea to script your own
"Name": "Google Dork Searcher",
"SuggestedBots": 40,
"MaxCPM": 0,
"LastModified": "2021-06-20T17:18:01.8215171+04:30",
"AdditionalInfo": "Telegram Channel: https://t.me/OpenBulletChannel",
"Author": "@Hogo_Victor",
"Version": "1.4.4 [Anomaly]",
"IgnoreResponseErrors": false,
"MaxRedirects": 8,
"NeedsProxies": true,
"OnlySocks": false,
"OnlySsl": false,
"MaxProxyUses": 0,
"BanProxyAfterGoodStatus": false,
"EncodeData": false,
"AllowedWordlist1": "dork",
"AllowedWordlist2": "",
"DataRules": [],
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