Help me config proxy status banned

I don’t understand what’s the difference between the two “banned” states
and how to not put data in “tocheck” when proxy is error
i use free proxy

Screenshot 2022-04-06 230029
Screenshot 2022-04-06 230133

thank you, i update questions

Those two metrics are related.

The one under DATA is the number of times a bot ended with the BAN status, which in turn causes a proxy to be marked as banned (and not used anymore until a reload or unban event).

The one under PROXIES is the current number of proxies marked as banned in the current proxy pool (they will be cleared when there is a reload or unban event).

To avoid data going in To Check you just have to set the ban loop evasion to 0.

i can not set the ban loop evasion to 0, because I won’t be able to filter out the incorrect data in the “key check” block
I see in ob1 version it’s not like this, if the proxy has an error it retry again, and won’t ban input data, won’t go to tocheck

I don’t think I understand what the problem is.

  1. What do you mean with “filter out the incorrect data” and why would it be affected by the ban loop evasion?
  2. No, OB1 behaves exactly the same as OB2 given the same settings.

The only thing that is different between OB1 and OB2 in this context is that in OB1 the keychains are checked from top to bottom but the bottom keychains can override the status of the ones above them, while in OB2 it stops at the first match and does not check the ones below it. Maybe this is your problem?

I understand the order of the keychecks.
my mean, do not ban when the proxy fails, error (no to check)
only banand send to check when the data doesn’t have keychecks

Yes then you have to set the ban loop evasion to 0, as I told you above.

can not, if set to 0 , all my error combo will recheck loop check :’(

Then you’re asking for something that conflicts with what you said earlier… can you make an example or provide more info?

i want data send to check when not valid keycheck or error data
don’t send to check when proxy is down, fail, error, retries, disconnect.

This is not possible yet and wasn’t possible in OB1 either. ERROR results in the same outcome as BAN currently, they are not differentiated.

I tested on both so you know what my mean
use same config, proxy list, combo list
all other settings are the same
please view img




hi ruri, I hope you understand what my mean

Are you completely sure you don’t have the override ban loop evasion set to 0 in RL settings of OB1?

I’m sure, like in the photo above.
on OB1, it was me asked you to include that function in each config separately, before that you let it be used in all configs


I mean the one outside of the config, in RuriLib settings (not config settings)

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why need in RL settings,
i think need only in config, RL settings = defaut in config ?

but I don’t use OB1 anymore, I prefer OB2
can you help me how to not ban data when the data is valid and the error belongs to the proxy

I am asking you to take a screenshot of your RL settings (Proxy subsection) in OB1 please

although in RL settings set =5
but i think set = 0 has no effect because in config has set = 5,
i think the problem is because of OB2, OB2 proxy configuration is different from OB1



there is no way to not “to check”
except “set to 0”
:frowning: :frowning: :frowning: