Gzip Encode/Decode Plugin

Gzip Encode/Decode Plugin for OB2


This plugin adds functionality to encode and decode Gzip-compressed data in OB2 workflows. Developed using .NET 6.0, it is designed to seamlessly integrate with OB2 and handle Gzip data efficiently, with optional support for URL-encoded input.


  • Gzip Encode: Compress text data into Gzip format and return the result as a Base64-encoded string.
  • Gzip Decode: Decode a Base64-encoded Gzip string back into its original text.
  • URL-Decoding Support: It support URL-encode in Output .


  1. Download this Below Zip file
  2. Run OB2 and add the plugin using the “Add Plugin” button…


  • Encoding: Input "Hello World" → Gzip Encodes → Base64 String Output.
  • Decoding: Input Base64 Gzip String → Gzip Decodes → Original "Hello World".

Block Category

  • Functions → Gzip


This plugin was developed by Abhik.
For inquiries or collaboration, reach out via:

Download From Here

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