Xpath or LR

how to get only 18 / 19 whitout space
here is elements

<div style="    background: linear-gradient(45deg, #1698e4, #e9fdff) !important;" class="card-content gradient-45deg-amber-amber gradient-shadow min-height-100 white-text fadeRight">
                                            <p class="card-stats-title">Active <i class="material-icons dp48">call_split</i> Inactive Code</p>
                                            <h4 class="card-stats-number white-text">
                                                18                                                /
                                                19                                            </h4>
                                        </div>                                                                      "

here is xpath

type or paste code here
here is variable from OB2

use trim function to remove spaces

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Trim only removes spaces at the edges of the string, in this case I would use a regex to replace multiple free spaces \s+ with just one space

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its ok done
thanks for help