Hi ruri, can I suggest u to add multi key support on captcha blocks? We can code it manually tho but having it integrated naturally on ob2 makes life easier. Thank you! Just a suggestion.
As a search engine so that it gives me the blocks faster?
Hi, how would it be useful? Don’t you just have 1 api key? Why would you have more than one?
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Hello, some users have multiple keys for faster captcha solving. For example, azcaptcha solves a captcha for about 1 minute which is too slow. What I do is to have multiple keys and rotate them so that it solves different captcha with different keys for each request. From having 20cpm to 50cpm real quick. Anyways, its just a suggestion. Thanks for noticing me.
You can do multiple solves for the same API keys, I’m pretty sure all services let you parallelize captcha solving requests on the same API key.