how to run a program in the background of your pc through ob2 without it crashing
Hello @cal,
To be perfectly clear Openbullet 2 does not crash.The latter executes what you ask it to be executed to illustrate my point I will give you an example in this example I will run Putty.
Firstly :
As long as the program is not closed Openbullet assumes that you are still working on it. That’s why it seems to be blocked but it’s not blocked it works the software does what you tell it look here :
Secondly :
It was possible for you to write a bat script in order to execute the work you have to do and then close this window then move on to watch for example :
There are many ways to do what you want
Code if you want try :
@echo on
start putty.exe
TASKKILL /IM putty.exe
Thank you so much. Thats exactly what I needed
Anyway to make it to a point where it leaves the executable running no matter what
If you want to do you can put delays or give him specific instructions so that he does what you need
simply running it with the shell block pauses Openbullet 2 until the software terminates
bro what your telegram or discord , i have some serious topic .
Haha very sorry @Shieldx1 I don’t give it