RequestTime and signature values

In the header I get one of the following data that changes only on each login the RequestTime and signature values.

AuthTokenAuthorization: PLAYAUTH1.0 x = ApiKey = 43C83C944B064B52AF360DCF93328766, SignatureType = Utf8_SHA256, RequestTime = 2021-07-11T09: 32: 47.1Z, DeviceId = ba25aafb872847fca670036428121 PlatformMuthobilenos 65, AllowNypenypenos = trueNypenype65, Samsung28121 TrueButy9, Android = trueNypeNype6526428121, PlatformVuthy90036428121 = Android platformMuthNype ], PlatformOsType = Android, PlatformOsVersion = 22, AppVersion = 4.10.2 [2548], signature = Ocdhvekrmm5 / MiKDDIZNhm2xKbejuca31gXBd1xq5ao =

How do I get these values, that is, the RequestTime and signature values?
One without the other does not work well the config.