Hello, could someone explain to me how I could report wrong captchas. So here’s the behavior I want:
in the case that there’s a match for that retry case I want to report the captcha as wrong to the provider I use which is 2captcha. The issue is that if I put the report block after that keycheck like this:
then from my understanding it never reaches it since if the retry block matches then the bot stops there and puts it in another queue until it is restarted from the start.
In config Settings, you must add this KEY in green Window, like this:
and so if I have other blocks after that which will inevitably fail since the captcha was wrong I should just check the “safe mode” box I assume ?
Actually the logic doesn’t even make sense, because in both scenarios where the captcha is valid or invalid it will be reported which isn’t the wanted behavior. Isn’t there a way to get a block executed only if the RETRY keycheck matches and ignored if any other of the keychecks matches ?
IF STRINGKEY @data.SOURCE Contains "Wrong captcha"
//Insert your blocks here
//Insert your blocks here