I wanted to know how to remove duplicates from a text file saved in OB2.
Read all the lines, then remove duplicates using the block in list functions, then write those lines to the file again
Hello again.
I need help because I don’t know how to do it.
According to this LoliCode adds two equal accounts every time I run it.
Why can’t you just remove duplicates after you’re done with running the config? It’s pointless to run it every single time… Also your code is completely wrong.
I am doing what you have told me:
Read all the lines, then remove duplicates using the block in list functions, then write those lines to the file again
Of course this is incorrect because it saves me the same combo twice. Now you tell me something else. There are certain functions that I don’t know how they work. If you don’t give me the solution, I won’t be able to solve it myself.
In the Remove Duplicates block, I don’t know what to put in the List box because I deleted the last File Append Lines block but the duplicates are not removed.
The logic is correct, it’s just how you added the parameters that is wrong. When I have time I’ll write you the correct way to do it.
Alright! I’m going to try to fix it myself anyway.