Hello. Im tenzin. I made a Piston Public API plugin, its a code execution engine, and I get this error
[IDLE] CompilationErrorException: (31,14): error CS0103: The name ‘Piston’ does not exist in the current context
Heres my code: GitHub - SirTenzin/Blazor: An OpenBullet 2 (Open Beta) Plugin Pack
March 10, 2021, 8:53pm
Did you include the .dll file for Piston in a subfolder of your plugin?
If you don’t know how to get the dll just add this to your csproj and it will be in your folder after you build the plugin, so just recreate the folder structure above and then zip the plugin
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All my code is in Blazor.cs right now so idk ill add all the dependencies soon and see whats up
March 10, 2021, 9:17pm
Yes but are you having trouble AFTER you imported the plugin? Or are you having trouble making the plugin at all?
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Im having trouble after the fact, Im in a test state rn so dont think its complete but I know that error isnt related to the actual function
March 10, 2021, 9:55pm
Can you please post the plugin zip so we can try too?
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Uhm its above 4mb lol, Its on the latest release on the repo
March 11, 2021, 7:56pm
You have a zip with a million files inside. Did you even read the guide on how to make plugins?
i zipped my build dir, not plugin folder + dll
March 12, 2021, 7:36pm
I see, please make a zip with just the files to import on OB2 so we can try
March 12, 2021, 8:58pm
No I don’t think you understood how to make plugins buddy. Please use this as template repository and expand from there GitHub - openbullet/OB2PluginSample: Sample plugin for OB2 with a dependency