Parameter_name:_buffer with capmonster

Hey hey. I`m try capmonster instead rucaptcha and get this message

[Executing block Solve Image Captcha] TaskSolutionException: Buffer_cannot_be_null.

If you’re on capmonster cloud, use the CustomTwoCaptcha option and manually put the settings.

Not capmonster cloud, simple capmonster and I`m using it for simple ocr
As I can make my own ocr plugins

Then make sure the image you pass is an actual image, it seems to be saying that it’s an empty buffer.

Yea, I try to convert base64 from real site and it show me captcha.

I`m still playing with capmonster settings and ob, will try set remote ip and different port
Answer from capmonster

1 thing I can do tool to check if its not problem with with capmonster.
idk why some stuff required different format data sent, like get or post
Different order of sending data

Maybe its a bug with PNG images

I have no clue, maybe investigate a bit more and let me know if it’s a bug in OB2

I got the same problem before and I just make simple tool for capmonster, right now again when I try capmonster, but before it was work well with the same settings on rucaptcha where real workers.

As I said I will try make tool

Yes, its bug in ob, here how I sent data

POST /in.php HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: IPWorks HTTP Component -
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Length: 9371


I get result
Ob just save a lot of time while making tools

Alright please open an issue on the CaptchaSharp repository and link to this thread