Need help with encrypt pass

trying to encrypt password
data : ----- user : test
i got : unix time
id (Single) = 1720977308
v1 (Single) = 6fd279a1 ( can not be random can be found from user )
v2 (Single) = xYyRElJ7NGHxjOOa ( random )
all this from (user)
question how do i encrypt with this data?

and can anyone explain for me what v1 v2 mean?

i found smth in website
const s = g.MD5(l.password)
, v = g.SHA256(g.SHA256(s + o.v1) + o.v2)
, z = g.AES.encrypt(s, v, {
mode: g.mode.ECB,
padding: g.pad.NoPadding
, y = await se({
account: r,
password: z,
redirect_uri: (R = c.query.redirect_uri) == null ? void 0 : R.toString(),
login_secondary: (S = c.query.login_secondary) == null ? void 0 : S.toString()