Need help to add rotating proxies via remote api

Hello everyone, I need some advice how to add a rotating proxy to openbullet remote section.

I have a rotating proxy list sub from webshareio that changes every hour.

It comes in this format in a txt file with 10 proxies in this format:



However there was an option on the website that noted:

“You can use the link below to download the proxy list. This API works even if you are not logged into the website.
You can also copy&paste the link below to your program.“

proxy. webshare. o/proxy/list/download/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/-/socks/username/direct/

I tried adding it into the remote section for proxies assuming it should work but I get this error a few seconds my runner starts. See pics attached. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Sorry OB1 is not supported anymore and it have various issues, please consider moving to OB2.

Ohhhhhh ok

Unfortunately my config isn’t supported in ob2 as yet.
But in vain, is can my rotating proxy still be added and work in ob1 until I switch to ob2?

429 means too many requests, so OB is repeatedly spamming the API and the API is blocking OB. No clue why.