Still can access the site from another app and browser & if i run http debugger i dont get this block
Any idea how to fix plz ?
Still can access the site from another app and browser & if i run http debugger i dont get this block
Any idea how to fix plz ?
Hello @Ruri could u take alook bro and help me i recently faced this but i still can access the site from outside of ob2 and got 200 ok response reply , seems something im missing or related to ob2 itself could u help plz my friend if you have spare time
You getting blocked due to Antibot Security called CF. You need to provide the required cookies to access your site.
hello i tried and did the right cookies but same
It would be helpful if you provided a response log, You may need to use an external TLS client or a cloudflare solving API in certain conditions.
Thanks already resolved it