How to view Captcha ID when solving FunCapcha ?
After FunCaptcha solving with RuCaptcha, I get the answer like : 3084f4a302b176cd7.96368058
But I also need to get the Сaptcha ID. How can I do this?
Is it possible to view the captcha source code?
How to view Captcha ID when solving FunCapcha ?
After FunCaptcha solving with RuCaptcha, I get the answer like : 3084f4a302b176cd7.96368058
But I also need to get the Сaptcha ID. How can I do this?
Is it possible to view the captcha source code?
Fun captcha usually only requires this token which ruCAPTCHA or any other captcha services send. Just keep the other things same and replace the token with the solution variable.