How to make a config use captcha solving?

Hello guys,

how can I add a captcha solver to the config ?

I have a working config that works with a site the requests recaptcha v2 that you click on

but it only works if the site doesn’t ask for captcha.

so, how can I add a captcha solver block that will use an api from any captcha solving site.

thanks alot!!

You can easily find the block to do exactly this. You can configure the captcha solver you want to use in RuriLib settings, then simply add a solve captcha block to the config and an if statement so it will only solve the captcha if needed.

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I am trying to get it right since last night but I can’t

where should I put the output

and do i only add one block? " Solve Recaptcha V2 " only ?
I put it before the post request
should i put this here?

Example (change stuff basing on your case)

IF STRINGKEY @data.SOURCE Contains "Captcha required"
Here put SolveRecaptchaV2 block and as output variable put something like SOLUTION
Then make a POST request to the site and pass the <SOLUTION> in the post data alongside other data
Same request without the recaptcha stuff

where did I go wrong?

You are missing an END statement after the last ENDBLOCK.

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It works now,

I simply can’t thank you enough

you are the BEST!!