How to capture/submit json form


I am not able to find an form ID, or anything else that I can capture to send a submit
It’s like the form has processing in other place, out of index

The form is into divs, with elements inputs and send button, and it’s is all.
no <form or something like that.

Searching by form key I found it:

    window[Symbol.for('MAR_POST_CLIENT_eppiocemhmnlbhjplcgkofciiegomcon')] = new (class PostClient {
    constructor(name, destination) { = name;
        this.destination = destination;
        this.serverListeners = {};
        this.bgRequestsListeners = {};
        this.bgEventsListeners = {};
        window.addEventListener('message', (message) => {
            const data =;
            const isNotForMe = !(data.destination && data.destination ===;
            const hasNotEventProp = !data.event;
            if (isNotForMe || hasNotEventProp) {
            if (data.event === 'MAR_POST_SERVER__BG_RESPONSE') {
                const response = data.args;
                if (this.hasBgRequestListener(response.requestId)) {
                    try {
                    catch (e) {
                    delete this.bgRequestsListeners[response.requestId];
            else if (data.event === 'MAR_POST_SERVER__BG_EVENT') {
                const response = data.args;
                if (this.hasBgEventListener(response.event)) {
                    try {
                    catch (e) {
            else if (this.hasServerListener(data.event)) {
                try {
                catch (e) {
            else {
                console.log(`event not handled: ${data.event}`);
    emitToServer(event, args) {
        const id = this.generateUIID();
        const message = {
            destination: this.destination,
        window.postMessage(message, location.origin);
        return id;
    emitToBg(bgEventName, args) {
        const requestId = this.generateUIID();
        const request = { bgEventName, requestId, args };
        this.emitToServer('MAR_POST_SERVER__BG_REQUEST', request);
        return requestId;
    hasServerListener(event) {
        return !!this.serverListeners[event];
    hasBgRequestListener(requestId) {
        return !!this.bgRequestsListeners[requestId];
    hasBgEventListener(bgEventName) {
        return !!this.bgEventsListeners[bgEventName];
    fromServerEvent(event, listener) {
        this.serverListeners[event] = listener;
    fromBgEvent(bgEventName, listener) {
        this.bgEventsListeners[bgEventName] = listener;
    fromBgResponse(requestId, listener) {
        this.bgRequestsListeners[requestId] = listener;
    generateUIID() {
        return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
            const r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);
            return v.toString(16);
})('MAR_POST_CLIENT_eppiocemhmnlbhjplcgkofciiegomcon', 'MAR_POST_SERVER_eppiocemhmnlbhjplcgkofciiegomcon')
request.types = {
  html: 'text/html',
  json: 'application/json',
  xml: 'application/xml',
  urlencoded: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
  'form': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
  'form-data': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

 request.serialize = {
   'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': serialize,
   'application/json': JSON.stringify

request.parse = {
  'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': parseString,
  'application/json': JSON.parse

Request.prototype.attach = function(field, file, filename){
  this._getFormData().append(field, file, filename ||;
  return this;

Request.prototype._getFormData = function(){
  if (!this._formData) {
    this._formData = new root.FormData();
  return this._formData;
}; = function(url, data, fn){
  var req = request('POST', url);
  if ('function' == typeof data) fn = data, data = null;
  if (data) req.send(data);
  if (fn) req.end(fn);
  return req;

 * PUT `url` with optional `data` and callback `fn(res)`.
 * @param {String} url
 * @param {Mixed|Function} data or fn
 * @param {Function} fn
 * @return {Request}
 * @api public

request.put = function(url, data, fn){
  var req = request('PUT', url);
  if ('function' == typeof data) fn = data, data = null;
  if (data) req.send(data);
  if (fn) req.end(fn);
  return req;

Can’t paste all it here to avoid junk

Here is the .har session, with load page and after some seconds the submit action
Someone with more knowhow can take a look?

linkremoved, see below

Anyway, i’m sure it’s possible, just as it’s possible to submit the form with a real browser, the question is: how to pass these instructions to the puppeteer.
What options I have? need open my mind


Until now:

Puppeter navigate and fill forms = DONE
solve captcha and execute JS = DONE

Now, how to post without a form? even it is possible?
or more, considering all this informations, would be a better way to do it?

Analyzing charles here is what I can figure out:

  1. Page index loads
  2. javascript with instructions for actions is loaded, on chunk.js we can find api addresses logout actions, not finded results messages, results parameters and all others
  3. recaptcha stuff
  4. post to target url

Lets take a look more cleary

now captcha strings received

and finally post all

Ok, now here is the question:

Doesn’t exists form ID on index page (how far I saw), so how to capture form and send to API target?
also, I will need parse UUID right?

If you read this post, and know what is the next steps any help will be welcome

Updated .chls charles session more cleary (deleted all unecessary stuff) link is here:

Edit: Maybe was just click to button submit form and trigger all actions (include generating uuid and redirect to results) but, puppeteer click seems not working this was the reason I discarded clicking the button and just waiting for everything to load automatically, but it’s very difficult!