Hey I have been trying for hours to figure out how to get this to work but I am just really stuck even though it’s probably a simple solution. So I am confused as there is no post data but there is Authorization in the headers which I assume the data is, I just don’t know if or what I need to convert it to or how to edit it to include the USER and PASS so it takes it from the data, if someone knows it would be great to know.
Authorization: OAuth app_version=“1.3.19+(78)”,data=“cMtNp4fsZPRz/mUA9UJoccUrUP4KDQlxIn1HzhQ/1whhG5tnwqgmbhJM+ZycEkRDBLN53eDNHhq8FLgYt0StULq7vmicQNNl7/XkkNa/Eyv/2AGYIgX20jTv7ePLdAxs”,device=“b221663d90144d6880c7952948080e18”,device_idiom=“Tablet”,device_make=“OnePlus”,device_model=“A5010”,device_name=“DUK-AL20”,device_platform=“Android”,device_platform_version=“9”,device_type=“Physical”,oauth_consumer_key=“Bp4jMojvRkGinKEr89V3zg”,oauth_signature_method=“HMAC-SHA256”,oauth_timestamp=“1680856827”,oauth_signature=“EhyifMULaA2XZCQZ8Fvd2pO4DAfRaTlOvbtH4UW+w3I=”