Hcaptcha solution help

is there any way to solve this hcaptcha ec57a8e2-da55-40e5-b9f4-8f08e0edbb01 for this url auth.tesla.**com, I literally tried everything and every solver but nothing seems to solve it.

Try Selenium Or Puppeteer

Hello @Ruubiii
Try this it’s working for me :

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they both dont work, since they both count as a bot

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Please delete the website, as it is illegal to share it in this manner. Additionally, you should be aware that you can use other undetected Chrome drivers or undetected Puppeteer. To do this, you should edit from the source.

Please try this version I edited nine months ago. if it is no longer working, kindly wait for me to fix it or for the next official update.

RifHut/OpenBullet2: This is a modified version of OB2, edited by Omega Capital.

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thank you so much, imma give it a try and get back at you!