I need to generate 12 words each time at random in random order from a list of 100 words. How can i did this in op2
I smell crypto wallet seed cracking here
I would like to say OB2 is not the right tool for this use case, too much overhead, you need something custom built.
Is this possible or not in OB2?
Lmao he not gonna say if possible or not if he thins your using it for crypto wallet seed cracking lol
It’s technically possible, yes. If you want to use blocks, you can probably use the random string block with 100 custom characters (e.g., some UTF-8 characters that are never used) to generate a random string, then translate and split it. Here’s some sample code
input = "?c ?c ?c ?c"
customCharset = "αβγδεζ"
=> VAR @randomStringOutput
input = @randomStringOutput
translations = {("α", "hello"), ("β", "bonjour"), ("γ", "buongiorno"), ("δ", "hallo"), ("ε", "hola"), ("ζ", "Привет")}
=> VAR @translateOutput
input = @translateOutput
separator = " "
=> VAR @splitOutput
Although I would definitely prefer using C# to do this (I don’t have time to write you some sample code sadly).
Also keep in mind the key space is really huge, so it’s absolutely pointless to use this for cracking crypto wallet seeds. In that case there are much faster tools that could probably give you a glimpse of hope if run long enough on good hardware.
Thank you for your help. but i found anthor method to generate words
i smell the same too
fishy here, dude’s trying to generate ?u = uppercase
?d = digits , etc etc
dude trying to do this haha
Maybe this shall help you
Link: here
**And you can inspect element , web dev tools, or press F12 button, and click NETWORK and when you click GENERATE **
find the request GET and make configs based on that
Then use UTILITY blocks to char SPLIT lines , File Appends etc etc
Using http requests for this is dumb, it’s not some hard code to write, and you’re adding a huge overhead with the http requests while you could do it locally