[Feature Request] Save wordlist progress

Hello, I don’t know if someone else already made this question or if it’s possible to implement it in OB2. Sometime it happens that OB2 in docker freezes for various reasons so I have to reboot it (but there could also be a blackout), so once I restart it all my jobs have lost their progress so I have to restart it again from where I left it the first time. Example: Job 1 with wordlist starting from 0, it reaches number 30000 then for some reason I have to restart OB2 and I find job 1 from 0 and not from 30000 or a bit less. Job 2 starting from 4567 (because previously I stopped the job) it reaches 30000 then for some reason I have to restart OB2 and I find job 2 from 4567. I hope it’s clear what I mean. So is it possible to implement an option that saves the wordlist progress automatically every X minutes/hours? Thank you

This should already be implemented but it’s currently bugged, I’m aware of it. Please wait for a fix.

Thanks for your reply. I’m glad there will be a solution for that prolem and I’ll definitely wait, I’m sure you can find the way to fix it