Exception: Status code was 303 but no Location header received. Disable auto redirect and try again

Hey Folks,

I’ve been trying to create an Config, and i’m totally failing on OB1 but also on OB2, the Login is normally an Multipart Config, so i searched the Forums how i can handle this, and this Post really helped me: Multipart POST in OB2 - #3 by STRANGER

So my Problem is that i’m getting an Error, when the Hit is Positive.

[Executing block Http Request] Exception: Status code was 303 but no Location header received. Disable auto redirect and try again.

My POST Input is:


Without [“$K1”,“”], it works, but the LOGIN Action is not fulfilled, if i use an wrong Pass or Mail i also get response, but when it’s an Positive Login, i get this Error. How to fix that?

turn off autoredirect