hello I don’t know if this is the right place to ask this question but I have a problem that comes up in all the configs that I have, does anyone have a solution?
Remove everything from [SETTINGS] to [SCRIPT] so your code should start with the #UA function on line 1. See if that works idk how legacy ob1 loliscript works in ob2
Take your .loli config and put it in the UserData/Configs
directory, then restart OB2. You can see a guide here too FAQs | OpenBullet 2
hello thank you it works but now I have a problem with all the wordlists that I put it tells me that the config does not support the wordlist it does it to me even if I change the wordlist or the type of wordlist
Please read the docs pages about wordlists: Wordlists | OpenBullet 2, Import a wordlist | OpenBullet 2, Using a wordlist | OpenBullet 2