Capture ERROR while using TRY/CATCH

as you know, Continue on ERROR will not work
and we have to use TRY/CATCH to pass this problem
but how can we get the ERROR to use in KEY CHECK or else

the error [Executing block Http Request] ProxyException: Unable to authenticate proxy-server

You can use SAFE mode (it’s a checkbox to tick at the top, below the label) and it will store the error inside the data.ERROR variable, so you can do keycheck on it. This is implemented in all blocks except http request, parse, script and keycheck itself. I plan to add support for the first 3 eventually, maybe open an issue on github so you can keep track of it.

In the meantime, you can use this C# snippet which achieves the same goal

try {
// LoliCode of request block here
} catch (Exception ex) { data.ERROR = $"[{ex.GetType()}] {ex.Message}"; }
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